Flamingo Car Wash Wax Shampoo – 1pcs

৳ 350.00

Product Details

☑️Use on a cool car, preferably in the shade to avoid sun spotting.

☑️Rinse car to remove loose dirt.

☑️Pour wash concentrate into a bucket and mix with water (use 1 oz. per gallon). Wash car with a sponge, terry cloth or mitt.

☑️Rinse car, then dry immediately with a soft, dry terry cloth or cham

Flamingo Car Wash Wax Shampoo – 1pcs

৳ 350.00

Product Description

☑️Use on a cool car, preferably in the shade to avoid sun spotting.

☑️Rinse car to remove loose dirt.

☑️Pour wash concentrate into a bucket and mix with water (use 1 oz. per gallon). Wash car with a sponge, terry cloth or mitt.

☑️Rinse car, then dry immediately with a soft, dry terry cloth or cham

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